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The weird and wonderful world of surfboard shapes.

  How do surfboards differ and what's the purpose of each type ? How's it going everyone ? Welcome back to Empty Peaks Surf ! If you missed my last post , be sure to go back and read that for some info on this blog and what I hope to share with you ! So recently I got a new surfboard (pictured above). If you cant tell by my blank facial expression, I'm super stoked about it!  It's a Form Flow Stik board designed by the English surfboard shaper Alan Stokes.  There were so many different types of surfboards I had to choose from and it's inspired me to tell you about a few different types of boards I came across on my search!  After that I'll explain how I came to my final decision, and how my new board felt under my feet !    Here's a few different types of boards you might come across.  Long Board   - As you might guess from the name, this board type is the lengthiest. A typical longboard can be between 8 to 11ft long. In general, these boards h...